Pilot Preparation For Application to Qantas Mainline
Qantas Mainline has opened recruitment for Second Officer Trainees, (October 2016). There will be many pilots needed, probably in the triple figures. Our sources also note that they are expecting a flood of applications, and getting your application in early will make a difference to your progression through the process. So it is critical you PREPARE NOW and be 100% ready as soon as the recruitment process starts.
You can expect as per Jetstar & Qantaslink that you will be assessed using the following techniques:
- Critical Assessment of Resume & Cover letter as well as on-line application
- Aptitude Testing
- Panel Interview
- Group Exercise
- and SIM test at the very least
We provide you with the only 360 degree pilot interview training and preparation program in the marketplace. Our training and coaching is conducted by expert Aviation coaches and qualified commercial airline pilots. We specialise in supporting Pilots coming from a commercial airline or GA background as well as in-depth expertise for pilots transitioning out of the ADF.
[box border=”full”]Practice your Airline Interview Skills (Mock interview, SIM and Aptitude)[/box]
Competition to get your dream job at Qantas Mainline will be fierce, therefore ‘I think I know what to expect’ is not going to get you through the day when hundreds of pilots are vying for each role. You only have 1 chance to get the Aptitude Test, SIM and Interview right. Pinstripe Solutions, is offering you the opportunity to boost your application while you practice your skills. Our SIM training includes in-depth multi-crew cockpit procedures. We provide access to the industry leader in Aptitude Testing software. And you can use your skills practice results to boost your application and highlight your performance to the airline.
Click here to find our more and/or book your practice sessions.
[box border=”full”]Expert Aviation Interview Coaching and Resume & Cover Letter assistance[/box]
We share with you:
- The interview questions you will be asked; SIM profiles, technical questions and psychometric testing information for most airlines.
- The SOP’s for answering the questions in the required format.
- ADF pilots wanting to apply to Qantas, we provide expert coaching on your transition.
- How to handle career hiccups.
- How to get your resume, cover letter and on-line application noticed.
- How to answer tricky questions such as ‘why should we hire you’ and ‘what are your strengths/weaknesses’