Cadet Pilot Airline Interview Preparation

You’ve landed here (excuse the pun) because your dream is to become an Airline Pilot, one of the most fulfilling and sought after roles in the world.Ā  Ā 

Take a look at our 4-Step Program just for Cadet Pilots.

You are up against thousands of candidates, especially for fully funded cadetships at major airlines.

  • It comes down to your performance throughout the recruitment process and for each of the tests, on the assessment day.
  • The airline needs to see your potential and you want to deliver to the best of your ability.


We’re here to help you.Ā  We’ve prepared thousands of pilots for 40+ airlines globally for over 20 years.Ā  Donā€™t take our word for it, get a taste of what we do and access our Free Resources today.

Free comprehensive videos & downloads on:

  • Airline Psychometric/Aptitude testing and
  • ā€˜Things you need to know about applying for airline cadetships globallyā€™… andĀ lots more.


Also – feel free to check out the global reputation of our CEO Kirsty Ferguson on LinkedIn.

Whether you are straight out of school or university or a second career Cadet Pilot, we have designed a 4-Step preparation process for you that will help you stand out.

  • Do you know what questions you will be asked by the airline you are applying for?
  • Did you know airlines like your answer to those questions in specific formats? Ā 
  • Do you want to know how to use your transferable skills to prove your ability?
  • Have you thought about the question ‘Why do you want to be a pilot?‘ without talking about ‘travel’ or ‘an office in the sky?’ Which are no-go reasons.
  • Do you know how to pick the best examples from your experience that shows you meet the airlines criteria?


Follow the 4-Step below in order to prepare for the full pilot cadet recruitment process.Ā 

We have designed it to ensure the best chance of success during the recruitment process, based on our 20+ years of experience in the aviation industry.

Although we strongly recommend you go through the full program, we provide each of our products and coaching services individually as well, so you can select as little or as much as you need.

If you have a specific question please donā€™t hesitate to email us, one of our expert Aviation Interview coaches will get back to you4




Our Resume and Cover Letter Template Pack, is designed specifically for entry-level Airline Cadet, GA or Instructing candidates. Our specialist team have created these templates in consultation with aviation bodies to ensure they contain the details required for the various levels of pilot careers.

The pack includes:

  • A 60 min content edit and redesign (it will be redesigned and tailored for you)




Cadet Pilot Interview Notes are the actual questions asked of recent candidates for individual airlines.Ā  Use the dropdown to select Cadet Questions for Easyjet, SIA (Singapore Airlines), Qantas, British Airways and more.



Video Course On Demand

This video course teaches you all the aviation interview techniques you need to succeed, and airlines expect you to use. It helps you identify suitable examples you can use at your Airline Interview and helps you identify ā€˜dealbreakersā€™.

Worried about what you might be asked? Why airlines ask the questions they do? What makes a great answer or whatā€™s a ā€˜dealbreakerā€™?

In 24 short topical videos, aviation interview guru Kirsty Ferguson and her most senior coach Tanja Perl share their 20+ years experience with you, guiding you step by step on how to find examples, what makes great examples, what not to say and why airlines ask these questions.

Most importantly ā€“ this video course prepares you for Step-4 your Individual Coaching Session , where you will and practice all your examples with one of our expert Aviation coaches.

The Video Course includes:

  • 24 short videos
  • 2.5 hour total video time
  • 7 downloads including our bestselling Aviation Interview Success Workbook, yours to keep
  • Review, rewind and rewatch all videos for 21 days with a free additional 21 day extension if needed



One-On-One Coaching Via Zoom - With One Of Our Expert Aviation Coaches

During your individual 1-hour coaching session your expert aviation coach will cover the key aspects specific to the airline you are applying to. Each session is tailored to your specific needs.

What we will cover:

  • Check your examples and help you find examples for questions you are struggling with.
  • Give you insight into the specific airline you are applying to and help you tailor your answer to ā€˜Why you wish to work for us?ā€™
  • Identify your strengths, weaknesses and transferable skills.
  • We also address any of your individual concerns in detail.

If you cannot find the answer to your question, please get in touch. We are always happy to help.
Please order coaching before selecting Appt

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