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Pilot Interview Feedback consists of PDF feedback documents provided by Pilots who have undertaken the recruitment process for 40+ airlines domestically and internationally.
These notes can cover (not all elements available for every airline):
For 2021-2024 are available as part of the:
Flying In The USA Course for Australian Pilots Under the E3 Visa
Interview Notes contained in the course include: – Atlas – Spirit – Breeze – SkyWest – GoJet – Piedmont – Air Wisconsin – CommutAir – PSA
Disclaimer: These notes are provided by candidates and in no way represent official documentation or information from the respective company/airline. Feedback can range from 2-40 (PDF) feedback documents and may not include all aspects of the interview process for every company.
Pilot Feedback is best used in conjunction with the:
Essential Airline Interview Coaching Course – for Pilots
as the first two steps in preparing for your airline interview
For more help, check our full preparation programs: