• Cadet - About to Apply

Mentor Session for Pilots
Mentor Session for Pilot Cadets
30 Minutes via Zoom

WithĀ Aviationsā€™Ā most experienced Pilot Career Coach, Kirsty Ferguson.

  • This session is organised via ZOOM.
  • Following your order you will be redirect to the 30 min appointment calendar


A Mentor Session tailored solely to the questions or issues you are facing as a pilot or aspiring pilot.

Helping you gain clarity, confidence and perspective about a career hiccup, which airline to apply to, how to manage a termination, stand down or medical issue and the options for starting a flying career.Ā  It’s up to you what we talk through.

I always say, ‘If you are not sure, just ask me before making a decision’

Resume Template Pack for Pilots
and Cadets

Our resume templates have been designed specifically for each level of a Pilots GA or Airline Career with collaboration with Airline HR, Chief Pilots and Pilot Recruitment Teams.

  • You will require basic level competency with using Microsoft WORD, and donā€™t worry if you cannot fill it in perfectly, you return it to us at info@pinstripesolutions.com to edit and amend the document to ensure it is up to professional standards.
  • We also ensure the design is changed so it is unique to you.


This product is a professional cost-effective alternative to full resume re-writes that cost anywhere from $550-$900 each.