Did you know that aboard some of our major airlines, Business Class passengers get to rate Cabin Crew on their performance before they have even left the aircraft?
Sooo… How would you rate in the customer service stakes?
And how would you feel about a negative result?
Have you really got what it takes?
Here are some attributes that Cabin Crew need to possess, areas you might not have thought about:
1. Cabin Crew should not be too sensitive. Empathy is a great attribute when it comes to customer service but if you take every comment, demand, upset and situation too personally, you may not cope with the day to day demands of this role.
Food for thought: Have you worked in a costumer service role in the past? When a customer critisised you, was it because they are not getting something they want, or was it because you were wrong or bad at your job?
Required Attibute: Pragmatism… Usually it’s not about you, it’s about solving the problem to meet the customers’ needs.
2. Cabin Crew know they will not freeze in any emergency. Have you ever experienced an emergency, medical, motor vehicle or accident related? If not, how do you know how you are going to react?
Food for thought: Consider volunteering in a hospital or at a sports event to see how you manage varying situations. Ask yourself, if I see an elderly person struggling in the street do I jump in to help? Do I help a mother struggling to fit a pram on the bus? If I see a stray dog do I take it in and call the owner? Or do I leave to someone else?
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Required Attibute: Takes Direction, takes responsibility… you don’t have to be the leader or expert during the emergency but you must be in the moment and be able to take direction and act. Your First Aid Training will help you here.
3. Cabin Crew should not be obvious in their personal predispositions. You are entitled to your opinions and beliefs on any topic and that includes devisive topics such as politics, religion and cultural background. But nobody should know by your manner or conversation what those beliefs are.
Food for thought: Have you been told you are blatantly honest? Have yo been told that you wear your heart on your sleeve? Have you been told you are opinionated? All of these things can effect the level of customer service you provide.
Required Attribute: Tact, cultral awareness and acceptance. We live in a diverse society and your personal opinions are not relevant in this role. Your role is to uphold the service standards and values of your employer.
To find out more about how to prepare for a Cabin Crew airline interview, don’t hesitate to contact Pinstripe Solutions.