I’ve Got A Flight Attendant Interview – I’m Nervous! How Do I Perform At My Best?

By this stage in your Cabin Crew career goals, you will know what to expect if you have done the coaching training with us. That’s half the battle.

The other half is performing well on the day.

The two key areas are:

– Managing nerves

– Maintaining a gracious level of self confidence

Nobody performs perfectly on the day, it is an intense day even though the recruitment team are lovely and professional.

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Here are a few tips:

  • Be yourself, if you try and use language you don’t usually use or be overly formal on the day, it just makes it harder on you. Speak and act as you usually to.
  • Use a simple breathing technique to keep your heart rate down and that nervous energy under control (we can run you through that).
  • Introduce yourself to the other candidates and be supportive of them, it helps you take your mind of yourself as well as showing great team skills.
  • Know what you are good at or have defined that (we help you define this). Having decided upon the language or words around your strengths you will have a solid sense of self and will help you present yourself with a gracious self confidence.

If you’ve done the work, there is no reason that you cannot perform well. Confidence is not about ego, confidence is about knowing who you are and having defined those things clearly.

Go get ‘em!


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