So, What Are My Strengths?

Just about every job interview involves some version of this question:

 “What are your strengths?”

It is also the most hated question, simply because it is so vast! It may however, not come in those exact words, it could look like this:

“Why do you have to offer, over and above the other candidates?”

Or like this:

“How can you benefit our company?”

It has many guises. But each and every version is asking the same thing:

 “What can you do for us?”

Tip Number 1

I want you to think about it differently. I would like for you to think: “what would an employer see as a strength?” Rather that what you see as a personal strength.

Tip Number 2

Next I would suggest that you don’t use opinions about yourself (get rid of fluffy statements such as “I’m hard working”, “I’m loyal”, “I’m passionate”). Instead, use quantified statements, so statements that are factual and that you can prove.

Lets do a quick exercise:

What Is A Strength This Employer Wants   ?

1. Focus on ongoing education and training

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2. Project Management

Evidence From My Experience


  • HR Degree in 2015
  • Masters completed 2017
  • OH &S Course 2016
  • Train the Trainer Course 2009


  • Implemented new client database system over 4 months, on time and under budget by 2k.
  • Managed team of 5 to run awards event with a budget of 15K and 250 guests.

It is way way more powerful to provide evidence-based strengths, so ditch those out-dated opinions about how nice a person you are and give them a set of strengths that illustrate exactly what you have achieved in the past and can therefore achieve for this new employer.

I talk about all of this in my new book “The Albino Chameleon – Building The Story Of You”. Register for a copy now, it’s a riot!

Next blog we’ll talk about change and fear, how to get up, get going and go after what you want.

Til then.

Kirsty Ferguson

Founder, International Career Coach and Author

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