Both Pilots and Cabin Crew are now being asked by an increasing number of airlines to complete a “Video Interview”.
This is usually the second stage of the recruitment process following your application and resume.
The Video Interview is an automated system where you record your answers to between 3-10 questions. These questions differ from airline to airline.
Here are the things you need to know:
1. You need to use the “Behavioural or STAR” technique to answer the questions, the majority of airlines expect you to know the STAR method of giving an example.
2. They are assessing your confidence, personal presentation, motivation, understanding of the role and your experience as relevant to that role.
3. You will not progress in the recruitment process if you do not present well at this stage.
4. The airline usually gives you a limited time to complete this stage (most are 3 days). Ensure you are within the time line. If you are in an area with poor internet, and cannot complete the video within the time lines, let them know, they may well give you an extension.
6 Things to remember to present well:
1. Wear a suit or formal interview attire always.
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2. Ensure the background of your video is a blank wall (nothing busy or that looks like you are sitting on your bed – yes that has happened)
3. Test your laptop microphone, if they cannot hear you they cannot asses you.
4. Yes, we can tell if you are reading notes, so don’t do that.
5. Smile, this creates a great first impression, simple I know but trust me, it makes a huge difference in the HR team getting a positive feel about you.
6. Use the time they give you to think about your answer before you record the real thing.
Pinstripe has the questions for many of the airlines video interviews and we have a “Video Interview Practice” set up to help you prepare. Get in touch for more information or follow this link: